Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It is time to take a extended Break

This is My Mom and Me..I have been trying to do to much of so many other things..I am exhausted mentally and physical.  My Mother is my first priority..Why because she first loved me and cared for me and gave everything to me..She worked a full time job and then she came home to clean our home and cook and everything else that needed to be done..Why because she loved me and she put me before her self.. She gave up things she might have wanted because she wanted to give me more.. 
So I choose to do the the same thing for her..Not because of quilt because of love..She has taught me more about Love in these years of taking care of her.  Yes there are things I would like to be doing but God has blessed me with her and I want to honor her and God...
She is slipping away from me every day more and more..So this is the place I need to be taking care of her.
As you have noticed I have not been posting very much..Why because I have not been creating.  Now is just not the season..I have realized that..
I will post now and then but it will be pictures of Her and the things she is doing and the words we share.
Yes, it is stressful for Care Givers and I hope if there are more of you out there caring for your parents..I hope I can give you were of encouragement..  You are not alone and if I can ever help or just listen..Let me know..Yes there will be days you want to give up..But you want..There will be days you will want to scream and you will..There will be days of tears..Let them run down your face...But the best is there will be so many days of Love and words you will share.. I love you Mother and I kiss her soft cheek and she kisses mine and says I Love you more.  It is worth every moment.

I love you Mother.
Your daughter,


Mary said...

Your are a precious, dear daughter. And don't forget your are creating...creating precious memories you and she will cherish for eternity. Soak in all the moments, feel all the are loving well my friend!!


Leslie Avon Miller said...

You will always be content you spent your time and energy with your Mom.

pinkglitterfae said...

you have made the most important choice right now. Your mother is your priority, so spend every moment with her, and enjoy your time together. Too many people don't do this, then have regrets when it's too late. You are blessed to have each other.

jgr said...

You are a blessing to your Mom and this time with her is a gift to both of you. Take care. I'll be keeping you both in my prayers.

San said...

Beautiful, beautiful. I looked for you during the month of September--in Santa Fe. Maybe your trip didn't happen.

I'm about to be out of town. My husband and I fly to Italy tomorrow to celebrate (belatedly) our 25th anniversary.

Sending you my best wishes for you and your lovely mother.

pchickki said...

God Bless you and you Mother.
You are doing the best thing. Cherish her for as long as you can.

We will all be here when you come back. I will be praying for you.
Big hugs

GalleryJuana said...

Glad you know the place you need to be. I'll keep an eye out for your coming posts on the times you share with her.

Strength and hugs to you and your mother during this time.

And thank you for your sweet words on my Sputnik post last month.

Annie Lightbulb said...

Loads of love to you all :)